Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A little about us

                   This is Davis & I on our combined bachelor and bachelorette party in the woods. 
This will be a blog about our Financial and Fitness story. My husband Davis who is in communications our son Charles Davis the V. The fifth yes you read correctly. More on the name later I promise. Our puppy Chloe and her craziness and myself a stay at home momma and new beachbody coach. The adventures that we will get into in our first home and figuring  out and navigating our life as a ever growing family our fitness and financial  freedom. It's something we are extremely passionate about and want to inspire others to change their lives and get in shape physically and financial.

 Baby Charles  was born on my 25th birthday. So amazing to share the same birthday as my little baby boy. He was 6 lbs 10 oz. and 19 3/4 inches. He might have been little but was born with a great name Charles Davis V. 
This is a current family picture minus Chloe. 

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