Friday, January 31, 2014

Clear Vision

I finally finished my new vision board this week.
My  Current Vision Board You can change your plan anytime It's up to you.

 I was so excited to put it up and have it there as a physical thing for me to look at. It is very important to lay down a good plan of what I want to achieve. Though somethings my be wants more then needs that is totally fine with me! I have this up next to my TV in the living room since we spend most of our time here. I want it there in front of me all day so when ever I get the urge to eat something bad or not workout I have it there to remind me and motivate me of what I want and why I am doing it. It's discipline hard work and sweat.

Healthy celebs and somethings I want for our home
I love when I am sitting there and think hey I need to eat or workout what do I want then I look up and see my goals. It's helped me stay on track and I hope it can do the same for you. Put what ever you want on here. Pictures of Celebs, food, activities you want to try places you want to go. Anything this is for you so have a clear vision of you want in the long run and not what you are craving right now.
Try new workout and new trends A la headband

 You are and Adult don't give in the the kid inside you that wants everything right now and doesn't know how to wait for things.
I want to take a dance class with Davis and go horse back riding together oh and be a hot mama!

Happy Friday!  


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