Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Stopping breastfeeding: Part Dos

It’s been about a month since I completely stopped breastfeeding. It was not easy but I am glad to have sole control over my body. I can now leave my son without fear that he won’t drink or eat because I am not there to feed him. 

Added bonus I can have a few beers without having to worry if I have had too much. Now after the initial days of stopping I still had pain. It sucked. My breasts were super sore I was being a major pain in the ass. And having my kid slap his head into my chest was the least awesome part about this. He would literally climb on top of me and bang his head on it thinking it was so funny. I continued to express a bit of milk every time I felt pain. Look the milk will eventually dry out. I was in no rush or need to get it to stop. So I just would express until I didn’t feel discomfort anymore.

 After about a week of this I could go 5-6 days without needing to get any milk out what so ever. The pain was completely gone after 2 weeks. I did need to use cold compresses a few times. I tried to use frozen veggies but they were so frozen that I could not get them to mold. All our other ice packs are for lunch bags so that didn’t work. After checking out the internet I found that using cabbage leaves could relieve some of the pain. I tried it for 2 days it seemed to help me. I don’t know if it was the cabbage for sure since it was the 2nd week without breastfeeding. But at the time of pain I could have tried anything.  I hope my experience helps someone when the time to stop breastfeeding comes. But enjoy the time you have with your sweet baby because next thing you know they are 16th months. What how does this happen. Seriously.   

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