Friday, January 31, 2014

Clear Vision

I finally finished my new vision board this week.
My  Current Vision Board You can change your plan anytime It's up to you.

 I was so excited to put it up and have it there as a physical thing for me to look at. It is very important to lay down a good plan of what I want to achieve. Though somethings my be wants more then needs that is totally fine with me! I have this up next to my TV in the living room since we spend most of our time here. I want it there in front of me all day so when ever I get the urge to eat something bad or not workout I have it there to remind me and motivate me of what I want and why I am doing it. It's discipline hard work and sweat.

Healthy celebs and somethings I want for our home
I love when I am sitting there and think hey I need to eat or workout what do I want then I look up and see my goals. It's helped me stay on track and I hope it can do the same for you. Put what ever you want on here. Pictures of Celebs, food, activities you want to try places you want to go. Anything this is for you so have a clear vision of you want in the long run and not what you are craving right now.
Try new workout and new trends A la headband

 You are and Adult don't give in the the kid inside you that wants everything right now and doesn't know how to wait for things.
I want to take a dance class with Davis and go horse back riding together oh and be a hot mama!

Happy Friday!  


Thursday, January 30, 2014

How I Stop Breastfeeding in 3 Nights!

Charles is now 15 months old at his last Doctors appointment our Doc told me It was time to stop breastfeeding. This is purely to help Charles eat more and get his weight up. He is currently weighing in at 17.6 lbs. How exciting I mean my goal is to get him to 20 pounds as soon as possible but any weight gain is a plus in our book. I always feel bad leaving doctors appointments because I feel like I failed my baby. Like no matter what I do he is not were he should be and that just breaks my heart. This was the first time I didn't feel bad leaving the G.I.'s office. So I am not complaining at all.

Now to how I stopped breastfeeding in 3 days and nights, Charles has slept in our bed most of his life. Like he only slept in his little rocker when he was a new born. Our doctor said that this would help him and stimulate him to eat more during the night. Now this is not for everyone and I get that. There are a lot of safety issues that could hurt your baby so again this is just how we did it. He sleep next to me and we moved his crib right next to the bed took his mattress out and laid it in between the bed and the crib for extra protection.

I would not wear a bra to go to sleep just a low cut shirt that was easy to pull down and feed. I learned to breastfeed laying down right away so this was easier to do at night. After the first month I never woke up and pumped or to feed at all. Charles would just eat when he was hungry. I could feel him tugging on my shirt I would pull out my breast and feed him. Then I would put him on my chest and burp. All things I did while totally half asleep. Now this is what made stopping breastfeeding harder. Because he was use to eating at night so it was tough but necessary.

The last night I breastfeed was January 24th I chose to do it on the weekend because we were not going to go out. So that night I feed him and totally took in the moment. This experience of breastfeeding has been the most amazing thing I have ever been able to do. If you are lucky enough to be able to breastfeed it is the way to go. I know it's hard and painful and doesn't work for everyone but hey I had a c-section and didn't get to birth my baby so tough. I kid that was something that I looked forward to forever but things have a way of working themselves out.

So any how I feed him and went to bed around 9:30. I also filled up his cup (Momma straw cup) with pediasure and put it over ice in a measuring cup to keep it cold over night and got his snack pack ready with bunny snacks.I did not trust myself without a bra but I knew that I could totally tug on it while asleep and still feed. So I wore one of my husbands sweatshirts and wore my bra on the outside and topped it off with a sports bra. Picture to come. LOL.

Around midnight I heard Charles tugging and complaining trying to eat. I then fully woke up turned on the TV but on some cartoons (Arthur you know the PBS show you use to watch)  and woke him up. I offered him some pediasure he drank a little then had some crackers and the next thing I new he was asleep. A few hours later the same thing happened and then again around 6 am. Then we woke up almost at 9:00 am. He was not drinking breast milk during the day for a while so no issues during the day. He wasn't super clinging either through out the day so we were good.

I repeated the same thing the next 2 nights and I noticed that the second night he only woke up twice. Yup 2 times! I also pumped about 4 ounces of milk tonight because I was freaking hurting. Like I felt so much pain in my Kidneys. Random right. on Sunday he only woke up once. My breast were not hurting so much but I did not pump I only squirted out a little when I was in the shower. By Monday he was not waking up during the night. And then I stopped wearing my bra's on the outside of my shirts. Oh and my breast don't hurt anymore! Yay time to get wasted! Without testing the milk!!! 

Now this is what worked for us and how we did it. How did y'all
My baby prince I love you!
stop breastfeeding, and how old were your little ones?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Meatless Monday Recipes

So excited to share one of my all time favorite meals calabasitas. I got it from my momma!
Mom your welcome for this picture of us drinking it up on NYE 2013!

 My mom made this dish all the time as we were growing up and I am a huge fan. This meal is super tasty and how I got Davis to start eating more veggies. It doesn't have any meat it's mostly all veggies and 2 tablespoons of Chicken bouillon which could easily be replaced by veggie bouillon. I use 4 zucchini, 1/2 of a small white or red onion, 1 roma tomato, 1/2 a jalapeno and 1/2 bag of frozen organic corn. The corn could be canned or even fresh but all I had was frozen so that's what we used.

First you want to cut up the zucchini, onion,tomato and jalapeno. Get a medium sized pan and add a tiny bit of butter or cooking spray maybe half a tablespoon over medium heat. Toss in the zucchini, onions, tomatoes, and corn. I always add the jalapenos once everything else is cooked because I don't want Charles eating any quite yet. I add 4 ounces of water and 2 tablespoons of the chicken bouillon to it and let it cook for roughly 20 minutes . When the zucchini is soft and a little translucent I take a little out for the baby and toss in the jalapenos leave it for 3 minutes and it's ready to eat. We usually top it off with some queso fresco or mozzarella you can eat it alone or with some tortillas. This can be used as a side dish or the main dish and served with veggie beans and some brown rice or quinoa.

I hope you enjoy my 1st Meatless Monday Recipe and here is to many more.

 P.S. Monday's are my favorite days of the week. We get to start a whole new week! What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Daily Routine.

I know we are 8 days into the new year and you may have already stopped your crazy crash diet or I am giving up grains and going to the gym everyday resolution. Lets face the facts they usually never stick because the are not safe or easy to stick with you can't avoid food forever you know. I think I have tried and failed every diet out there. Until last year I don't think I had ever truly seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I stopped dieting and started eating real food and getting full I might add. Oh and drinking tons of water. I thought I would share what a topical day in my life looks like without any food related resolutions.

Get up around 4:30 am do my T25 workout with my lovely husband who got me up to do this now. So it's done and out of the way. 25 MINUTES later it's done and we have our Shakeology. Yum what a way to start my day off right. We love to have the Chocolate shakeology with a banana Justin's Almond butter and almond and coconut milk. Seriously the best chocolate shakeology recipe.  Charles always wakes up when there is 5 minutes left to the workout like clock work.

Wake up around 7:30 am by this time my husband is long gone to work. Charles usually wakes up first and then lays in bed with me until he gets tired of watching me fake sleep. We get out of bed and head straight for the bathroom wash up and let our doggy outside for a break. I turn on the computer in our office and start with breakfast.
We 9 out of 10 times have the same thing for breakfast unless Daddy is home then I try to make something more hearty for all of us. Charles has Van's gluten free pancakes and some Egg whites with spinach and Munster cheese. I have 3 egg whites & spinach and some oatmeal with sugar free syrup and a hit of cinnamon.
We watch some TV after breakfast some news and cartoons for the baby. around
9:00 am we come into the office check emails, catch up with clients, facebook and favorite blogs. He works on his artwork and by this I mean he draws on the walls because I left a pencil lying around.

 This goes on for about an hour at 10:00 am we head back to the living room to watch Wendy Williams. At first I was not a fan then one day while I was pregnant I didn't want to change the channel and I feel in love with this women. She is awesome so now we watch her mon-fri. After Wendy is over we play with toys, read books and watch some Arthur you know like from PBS! Yes we are super huge Arthur fans in this house how can you not love it and have a snack we have yogurt. He has banana yogurt I have plain organic yogurt with frozen blueberries. Then comes my favorite nap time!!! Charles is still nursing a little for naps and bedtime. He sleeps for 12:00 pm till about 1:30 or 2. He gets up we have lunch and play some more. I wish I could say I got a lot of stuff done while he naps but that would be a lie. I just watch TV or nap. Oh I know I am super awesome mom. Around two is when stuff finally starts getting done. We have lunch  and clean up the house. For lunch Charles has fish, chicken or turkey, kale and brown rice and a sweet potato. I also have ground turkey with veggies and sweet potato and a dash of bbq sauce and sriracha I could eat this everyday oh wait I do. It's that good.
Charles lunch this boy loves kale
I finish cleaning up and by this time I get thinking of what we are going to do when Davis comes home. Run errands, go visit family, take a walk or whatever we have going on that week. Davis gets home around 4 and by this time I need like 2 seconds to myself you know to keep sane and wipe all the stuff of my clothes god I hope the was ketchup or bbq sauce. Or maybe a hot shower wow that sounds amazing.
Now it's 5:30 and I start on dinner we will be having talapia with dill, kale and brown rice.
Then we run to the store or stop by my parents house say hi and then head home for the night. We catch up on our shows, South Park and Once upon a time.

Then go to bed around 9ish and have a tablespoon of almond butter.
 We have been trying to be so good about going to bed sooner since we have been working out at 4:30am and it's been going good except for the day when Davis alarm didn't go off and he got to work late. Other then that it's been smooth sailing. 
What does a "normal" day look like in your life. Maybe share some pics for us we would love to know.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Guilt free snacks

1. Sabra Roasted pepper hummus. I have 2 ounces of hummus with a red pepper. Really delicious and you get the bonus of more water in your diet since the bell pepper is loaded with water, I also like putting the hummus in side of hard boiled eggs without the yolk.
 2 Wholly Guacamole 100 calorie packs it gives you the right amount of health fats without eating the bowl of guac. Like I may or may not always do. I like to eat it on a slice of Ezekiel bread.
3. Ezekiel bread. See #2.
4.Keep it clean and eat a green apple. Need I say more.
5. PB2 taste great, low calorie and I use it as a dip for my celery sticks.
6. I love Justin's Almond butter with a banana especially in my Shakeology. But alone drizzle the almond butter on your banana and that will hit the sweet spot. And for extra will power buy the single serve packs because no  one can be trusted with the whole jar. My son and niece walk around together with the jar and a couple spoons. They are both one by the way.

Do you have a go to snack? Damn now I need a snack.