Monday, December 30, 2013

Our best Christmas yet

Christmas this year was the best one we have had in a long time. Not because of all the presents but just the over all experience. Last year Charles was almost 2 months old this year he is up running around and talking up a storm. I was amazing to see how loved all his gifts. Ate his first big boy Christmas eve dinner and Traditional Italian 7 seas dinner too.
Playing football with grandad
He is beyond loved this one. He got some amazing books, toys, Pj's and toys and toys galore. He also became a full on artist this week. He drew in the hallway and also one in my office.
Tell me you see a dog figure too!

He now is also an accomplished singer. I seriously can not wait for more amazing experiences like this! We are beyond blessed. I hoped you had a great holiday too. What was your favorite thing this year?

mini me

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